外交赦免权:2016考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:Viktor goes to war



2016考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:Viktor goes to war



  Viktor goes to war


  The Hungarian leader squabbles with some in hisparty and with America


  THE new year has not started well for Viktor Orban,Hungary's pugnacious prime minister. Support for his ruling right-wing Fidesz party is sliding.A recent poll by Median showed a drop from 38% to 26%, representing a loss of some900,000 voters. Mr Orban's personal popularity plummeted by 16 percentage points. Otherpollsters find similar results.

  对好斗的匈牙利总理维克托·欧尔班来说,新年伊始一切并非那么顺利。其统治的右翼政党青年民主党的支持率下降。Median的最新民意调查显示,其支持率从38% 下降到26%,这意味着丧失了900,000张投票。欧尔班的个人知名度骤降了16个百分点。其他民意调查的结果相差无几。

  The immediate cause for the discontent was a planned internet tax, which was hastilywithdrawn after a demonstration in late October brought tens of thousands of protestersonto the streets of Budapest. Yet instead of placating angry Hungarians, the government'sretreat—the first of any significance since its most recent landslide election victory in April2014—seems to have galvanised them. Their growing anger has deep roots.


  Stories about the luxuries and fancy properties enjoyed by some government ministers andtheir friends, even as poverty is rising, are causing fissures within Fidesz. Zoltan Pokorni, aformer party president and education minister, who is now a district mayor in Budapest, calledfor an end to the “flamboyant lifestyles” of government members and “leading politicians”. MrPokorni was slapped down by Janos Lazar, Mr Orban's chief of staff, but his remark was givenwide publicity.

  关于某些政府官员及其亲友掌握大量的奢侈品和财富以及穷人数量上升的消息都导致青年民主党内出现分歧。前青年党主席兼教育部长,亦即现任布达佩斯的某个区长Zoltan Pokorni呼吁政府官员和“领导政治人物”停止“奢靡的生活”。 Pokorni 遭到了来自欧尔班的办公室主任chief of staff的疯狂镇压,但是其言论也因此被大加渲染。

  Concern is also growing within Fidesz that a row with the Americans may develop into a full-blown diplomatic crisis. Six Hungarian officials have been banned from entering the UnitedStates on suspicions of corruption, a highly unusual sanction against a NATO ally. TheUnited States is refusing to name them, citing privacy. However, Ildiko Vida, the head of thetax authority, has admitted to being on the list, and she strongly denies any wrongdoing.Encouraged by Mr Orban, she is suing Andre Goodfriend, the American chargé d'affaires inBudapest, for defamation. The lawsuit is unlikely to go anywhere, since Mr Goodfriend hasdiplomatic immunity.

  此外,越来越吸引大家注意的是,青年党与美国人愈演愈烈的争吵可能恶化为一场外交危机。六位匈牙利官员因怀疑受贿禁止进入美国,这是对北约盟国成员非常的惩罚手段。出于隐私考虑,美方拒绝透露姓名。然而,税务机构的负责人 Ildiko Vida承认自己也在其中,并强烈否认有过不良举动。在欧尔班的指示下,她正在起诉美国驻布达佩斯官员Andre Goodfriend诽谤他人。这场诉讼不太可能有结果,因为Goodfriend享有外交赦免权。

  The holiday offered a chance for tempers to cool and for revisions to Hungary's foreign policy. Aturn towards Moscow has backfired after the Ukraine crisis and the collapse of the rouble.Hungarian officials have told Western ambassadors that a much-vaunted “eastern opening” hasfailed to bring as much foreign trade and investment as they hoped. President Vladimir Putin'scancellation of the South Stream pipeline project, backed by Hungary, was a blow to its energystrategy.


  Yet instead of patching up relations with the Americans, Mr Orban and his ministers havelaunched an attack. He dismissed the claims of corruption as a “cover story” for Americanattempts to increase influence in the region. The United States was interfering in the domesticpolitical affairs of central European countries, he added. The driving factors were the conflict inUkraine and the negotiations between the European Union and the Americans over free trade. “They want to draw us into a conflict, which can only have a bad outcome for us.” Americawas just conveying concerns about democracy and the rule of law to the Hungariangovernment, retorted a State Department spokesman.


  Aggressive claims about America's behaviour have now been made by Mr Lazar, by Antal Rogan,Fidesz's parliamentary leader and by Peter Szijjarto, the foreign minister, all of whom have giveninterviews to pro-government media. Mr Szijjarto told Magyar Nemzet that “external andinternal” powers wanted to “destabilise” Hungary. The rift with America dates back to thepassing of a controversial media law, says Zoltan Kovacs, a government spokesman. “There isa visible and tangible dislike of the US administration towards us since 2011.” Suchsentiments may play well with Fidesz's base, but they are unlikely to expand it.

  当前,匈牙利青年党领袖人物Antal Rogan,外交部长彼得·希贾托和拉扎尔对美国的言行做出了强烈谴责。他们都接受了亲政府媒体的采访。希贾托向匈牙利民族报表示,“不朽的内部”力量将“动摇”匈牙利。匈牙利政府发言人Zoltan Kovacs表示,与美国的间隙可追溯至颇具争议的媒体法案。 “自2011年以来,美国政府对我们的不喜显而易见。”这种情绪在青年党基层非常常见,但是他们不愿意将其扩大。

  1.seem to 似乎

  I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.


  He rubbed and rubbed but couldn't seem to getclean.


  2.refuse to 不肯;拒绝

  I've always had a loud mouth, I refuse to be silenced.


  I refuse to act that way when my kids fight.


  3.admit to 承认;许可

  In America, people don'tnormally admit to the hardness of life.


  She would rather perjure herself than admit to her sins.


  4.fail to 未能;不能

  Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness.


  The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.
